The file operations of RisohEditor

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About filename extensions

Do you know the extension? A character string that begins with a dot (period) at the end of the file name and indicates the file type. If the file extension does not match the file contents, the file may not open. That's why the extension is so important in Windows.

First, set the settings to display the extension in Explorer. If you are using Windows10, click the "View" tab of Explorer and check the "File name extension" of "Show/Hide" to display the extension.

The file types

The types of files that can be handled by RisohEditor are mainly as follows.

Extension Description Note
.rc Resource File Resource files with the .rc extension are source code for Win32 resources. It can be compiled by the resource compiler of the development environment.
.res Binary resource Resource files with a .res extension are Win32 resource binary files. You can embed multiple resource items. It can be linked by the C/C++ compiler of the development environment.
.exe EXE file Files with the .exe extension are Windows program files. You can embed multiple resource items.
.dll DLL file Files with the extension .dll are files that extend the functionality of the EXE. This too can embed resource items.
.scr Screensaver The file with the extension .scr is a program called the screen saver that displays the standby screen of Windows. This too can embed resource items.
.ico Icon file This is a file for displaying icons. You can embed multiple images in it.
.cur Cursor file This file is for displaying the mouse cursor. You can embed multiple images in it.
.bmp Bitmap file An image file that can be handled on Windows.
.png PNG image This is a compressed image file. You can make the image transparent by specifying the opacity of the pixel.
.jpg JPEG image This is a compressed image file. Suitable for saving photos taken with a camera.
.gif GIF image This is a compressed image file. Animation and pixel-specified transparency are possible.
.wav WAVE sound This is an audio file. There is a sound when opened.
.avi AVI movie This is a video file. When opened, the moving picture is displayed.
.dfm Delphi DFM file Delphi form data (DFM). Contains window information in the Delphi app. Delphi is a programming language and environment.
.bin Binary file It is a binary data file of unknown format.
.manifest Manifest file Not explained here. Please study by yourself.

basic operations

First, when you open RisohEditor, the first thing you need to do is add the resource you want to edit or open the file.

To open the file, select "Open" from the "File" menu. When you open the resource, the loaded resource items are displayed in the tree view. You can also open files by dragging and dropping.

You can save the opened executable file by selecting "Save As" or "Export" from the "File" menu. However, you may not be able to save to a file that is already open or locked. If you want to save it, make sure it is not locked, and if so, close any programs that have the file open. You may not be able to save to a system-protected folder (such as C:\Windows or C:\Program Files) without administrator privileges.

When saving or exporting, if you select ".rc" in "File type", you can output the file with the extension .rc and its related files. The related files are the "resource.h" file and the "res" folder, or the "lang" folder for each language. RisohEditor made for compatibility with Visual C++ and MinGW, and the .rc file can be used with Visual C++ or MinGW windres in most cases.

Select an appropriate item from the tree view and select [Extract] → [Extract Binary Resource Item] from the [Edit] menu to extract some of the selected resource data as a file with the .res extension.

A file with the .res extension can be added to the currently opened resources by selecting [Import] from the [File] menu.

Select [New] from the [File] menu to clear the current resource data.

File operation methods

Operation Shortcut key Icon Action for operation
"File" → "New" Ctrl+N New Free the resources inside the memory and empty the resource editor.
"File" → "Open" Ctrl+O Open... Select the file that can be opened with RisohEditor and read the resource data in it.
"File" → "Save" Ctrl+S Save... Save the contents of the current tree view to a file.
"File" → "Import" Ctrl+I Import... Additional loading of binary resources (*.res).
"File" → "Export" Ctrl+P Output the resource file (*.rc) and its related files as source code.
"Edit" → "Extract" Extract... Output the selected resource as a file.
"Edit" → "Add" Add... Create additional resource items. You can edit the added items.
"Edit" → "Delete" Del Delete Deletes the selected resource item. You cannot restore deleted items.
"Edit" → "Change name/language" F2 Change name/language Change the resource name or language of the selected resource item.
"Edit" → "Clone as different name/language" Clone as different name/language Duplicate the selected resource item with another name or language.
"View" → "Expand All" Ctrl+K Expand All Expands all items in the tree view.
"View" → "Collapse All" Ctrl+L Collapse All Collapses all items in the tree view.
"File" → "Reload resource.h" Ctrl+R Read the resource.h file that records the names and numbers of the resource ID.
"File" → "Update/Save resource.h" Output resource.h file that records the names and numerical values of resource ID.
"File" → "Exit" Alt+F4 Close RisohEditor.

If you overwrite the .rc file, then a backup file will be created with the "-old" suffix.

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