Translate to different language with RisohEditor

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Let's translate the previously exported "mymenu.rc" into Korean.

If you open "mymenu.rc", there is a resource item called "RT_MENU (4)" → "1" → "Japanese (Japan) (1041)". Click on "Japanese (Japan) (1041)" and select "Clone in another language..." from the "Edit" menu.

[Select Korean]

The "Duplicate in another language" dialog is displayed. Select "Korean (Korea) (1042)" in "Resource Language". And "OK" button.

You have added the resource item "RT_MENU (4)" → "1" → "Korean (Korea) (1042)". Now, I'm translating "a little common test" and "this is an end but not a defeat" into Korean, but I don't understand Korean either. What should I do?

So, use "Google Translate". Open Google Translate, type "a little common test" on the left side and select Korean on the right side, "약간 자주 테스트" will be displayed.

[Google Translate]

If you enter "This is the end but not the defeat" on the left side, "이것은 끝이지만, 패배가 아니다" will be displayed.

So the Korean source text would be:


    POPUP "약간 자주 테스트(&F)"
        MENUITEM "이것은 끝이지만, 패배가 아니다(&X)", IDOK

Now compile and export, and you're done translating resources.

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