MZ-IME Japanese Input

How To Install MZ-IME

On Windows 2000, You can install MZ-IME by the following steps. Before reinstall, please uninstall the previous one. You cannot overwrite.

  1. Install the application.
    1. Double-click the installer "mzimeja-X.X-setup.exe" (X.X is the version number).
    2. Follow the installer's instruction.
  2. Switch the input locale.
    1. Click the [Settings] and [Control Panel] in this order. "Control Panel" will be open.
    2. Double-click the "Regional Options" item in the "Control Panel" window. "Regional Options" dialog will be open.
    3. Double-click the "Input Locales" tab in "Regional Options" dialog.
    4. After selecting the "日本語 (MZ-IME)" by left-clicking, then click the [Set as Default] button, and then click the [OK] button. MZ-IME will be default.
  3. Restart Windows.

How To Uninstall

You can uninstall MZ-IME by the following steps:

  1. Delete the input locales of MZ-IME.
    1. Click the [Settings] and [Control Panel] in this order. "Control Panel" will be open.
    2. Double-click the "Regional Options" item in the "Control Panel" window. "Regional Options" dialog will be open.
    3. Double-click the "Input Locales" tab in "Regional Options" dialog.
    4. After selecting the "日本語 (MZ-IME)" by left-click, and click the [Remove] button, and then click the [OK]. The MZ-IME's locale will be removed.
  2. Delete the application.
    1. Double-click the [Add/Remove Programs] in the "Contol Panel" window. The "Add/Remove Programs" dialog will be open.
    2. After selecting "MZ-IME日本語入力" in the "Add/Remove Program" dialog by left-clicking, then click the [Change/Remove] button.
    3. Then, click the [Yes] button. The application will be removed.
  3. Restart Windows.
inserted by FC2 system