vista2xp ver.0.8.1

by katahiromz

English | 日本語

What's This?

vista2xp is an application converter that might be able to convert the applications made for Vista/7/10 to XP applications.

This software may be able to convert an app for Vista/7/10 to an XP app.


In XP, we couldn't use TaskDialogIndirect function:


However, vista2xp enables us to use TaskDialogIndirect function in XP.


Platforms: Windows XP/Vista/7/10

How it works?

It modifies the IAT (Import Address Table) of EXE/DLL files.

You can check the IAT by dumpbin /imports of Visual Studio Command Prompt. The list of the supported functions

How to use?

  1. Open vista2xp.exe program file. A dialog box will be open.
  2. Drop the EXE/DLL files to the dialog to be converted.
  3. Click the [Convert] button.
  4. Files will be converted. Some DLL files will be automatically added if necessary.
  5. If you want to revert, please use the files inside the Vista2XP-Backup folder that was created.


Filename File Size Description
vista2xp-0.8.1-setup.exe 637 KB (652,758 bytes) Program (with installer) 222 KB (227,365 bytes) Program (without installer)


2019.05.05 ver.0.2
First release.
2019.05.06 ver.0.3
Add v2xctl32 and v2xu32.
2019.05.09 ver.0.4
Support K32* functions.
Improve TaskDialog.
Add v2xol (ole32).
Add v2xsh32 (shell32).
2019.05.22 ver.0.5
Make [Cancel] button [Exit].
Supported SHGetLocalizedName, SHSetFolderPathA and SHSetFolderPathW.
Supported TaskDialogIndirect.
2019.08.16 ver.0.6
Fixed broken v2xu32.dll.
Supported SHCreateItemFromParsingName.
Supported GetDpiForWindow.
Supported SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext.
Add v2xcrt (msvcrt).
Supported wcsnlen, memmove_s and memcpy_s.
Supported __CxxFrameHandler3 and _except_handler4_common.
2019.09.15 ver.0.7
Modify optional header's version info.
Supported GetVersion, GetVersionExA and GetVersionExW.
2021.05.11 ver.0.8
SRW lock functions are partially supported.
Initialize-once functions are partially supported.
Condition variables functions are partially supported.
2022.01.23 ver.0.8.1
Supported GetThreadUILanguage/SetThreadUILanguage.
Improved v2xctl32 ordinal exports.


If you are lacking DirectX 10 support, take a look of this: .

License Agreement

vista2xp is a freeware that is released under MIT License.

Contact Us

Bug reports, improvement suggestions, and internationalization are welcome.

You can send e-mail to .


©Katayama Hirofumi MZ inserted by FC2 system