RisohEditor - Window class names

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The window class names that can be used in RisohEditor are as follows:

Window class name Controls Description Image
STATIC Static control (label, icon control, bitmap control). A control that displays a string or image. STATIC
BUTTON Push button, check button, radio button, group box, tri-state button, split button. A button that you can click to execute a command, put a check mark, or select it. PUSHBUTTON RADIOBUTTON CHECKBUTTON
EDIT Edit control (text box). A control that allows you to enter a character string. EDITTEXT
LISTBOX List-box. A control that selects a candidate from multiple lines. LISTBOX
COMBOBOX Combo box. It's like a compact combined control of EDIT and LISTBOX. Click the arrow to pop up the list box. COMBOBOX
SCROLLBAR Scroll bar, or size grip. This is a control for shifting (scrolling) the screen display position. SCROLLBAR
ComboBoxEx32 Extended combo box. A control that extends the combo box. ComboBoxEx32
SysAnimate32 Animation control. This is a control mainly for playing AVI videos.
SysDateTimePick32 Date and time control. A control for specifying the date and time. SysDateTimePick32
SysIPAddress32 IP address control. This is a control for entering the IP address. SysIPAddress32
SysListView32 List-view control. A control for displaying multiple icons and multiple text data. SysListView32
SysMonthCal32 Monthly calendar control. A control for displaying a calendar. SysMonthCal32
SysTreeView32 Tree control. This is a control for displaying the data classified by the tree structure. SysTreeView32
ToolbarWindow32 Toolbar. A control that has buttons that represent tools. ToolbarWindow32
msctls_hotkey32 Hotkey control. A control for entering a key combination. msctls_hotkey32
msctls_progress32 Progress bar. A control that displays progress or percentage. msctls_progress32
msctls_statusbar32 Status bar. A control that displays the current state at the bottom or top of the window. msctls_statusbar32
msctls_trackbar32 Slider control. This control allows you to adjust the position and value by dragging the knob. msctls_trackbar32
msctls_updown32 Spin control. It is a control that can adjust the value with a combination of two arrow buttons. msctls_updown32
RichEdit20A Rich edit control. A control for working with formatted text.
AtlAxWin ATL Active X Control. This is a control for handling Active X in ATL.

Other controls are as follows:

Control name Corresponding window class name Description
LTEXT STATIC This is a left-aligned label.
CTEXT STATIC A centered label.
RTEXT STATIC This is a right-aligned label.
EDITTEXT EDIT Same as EDIT (text box).
MEMO EDIT A multi-line text box.
ICON STATIC Icon control.
BITMAP STATIC Bitmap control.
RICHEDIT RichEdit20A Rich edit control. Same as RichEdit20A.

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