Translate Delphi apps by RisohEditor

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Since Resource Editor 5.4.4 you can read and write international Delphi DFM data. Now, let's translate a Delphi app called Fony into Japanese. Please download and extract Fony from the following link:


[Fony image]

Open Fony in RisohEditor.

[Opened Fony]

First you need to configure Delphi DFM. Choose "Edit" → "Delphi DFM Settings".

[Menu operation]

The "Delphi DFM Settings" dialog opens.


This time, to translate English into Japanese, set the code page to "932 (Japanese)".

[Choose Japanese]

Click the "OK" button.

This time, I will translate only the "About" dialog. Select "RT_RCDATA (10)" → "TFABOUT" → "Neutral (0)" in order.

[Choose TFABOUT]

You should see something like "object FAbout: TFAbout" on the right side. Here is the Delphi code. You can translate this code by editing and compiling it appropriately.

First, set "Caption ='About Fony'" to "Caption ='Fony について'". "//- ... -//" is a comment, so there is no need to edit it.

[Translate Caption]

Click the "Recompile" button to recompile. It is OK if "Recompiled." is displayed.

[First trans done]

Once you do, save the file in a different location with a name. Choose "Save As" from the "File" menu and save the file in a suitable location with a suitable name. Save it as "Fony2.exe" on your "desktop" for now.

Run the generated Fony2.exe. If you don't get an error on startup, you're good to go. Select "About" from the "Help" menu in Fony 2.

[Trans success]

It's a success because the title bar is now "Fony について".

If you get the following error message when launching the app, the Delphi app does not support Unicode/UTF-8.


In this case, you need to check the "Do not use Unicode or UTF-8" checkbox in the "Delphi DFM Settings" and retry.

RisohEditor does not support Delphi applications that do not support Unicode/UTF-8.

Then continue with the translation.


This appears to be a copyright notice. #169 is a copyright symbol and #13#10 seems to be a line break code (\r\n). Let's translates as follows.


The Copyright symbol needs to be rewritten to "(C)" because it doesn't exist in the Japanese code page. Click the "Recompile" button.

After editing like this, press the recompile button frequently for each line. If you write too many lines at once and fail to compile, it's hard to know where you made a mistake.

Please edit and recompile the translation below more. Save it when completed.

Once the translation is complete, you can actually launch it and try it out.

[All done]

It seems to translate well.

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inserted by FC2 system